COM Object Reference

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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 10:38

Another way to retrieve file/folder properties.

COM Object: Scripting.FileSystemObject
Purpose: Retrieves file & folder properties.
System Requirements: General
Documentation Link: FileSystemObject
DateLastAccessed Property, DateCreated Property, DateLastModified Property
Size Property
Name Property
Shortname Property
Type property
Attributes Property
Path Property
Shortpath Property

Basic Code Example - this example demonstrates how to retrieve the properties of a specified file and folder via FileSystemObject:

Code: Select all

filepath :=	"C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe"   ;set the target's full file path
folderpath :=	"C:\Windows\System32"   ;set the target's full folder path

objFSO :=	ComObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ComObjError(false)   ;disable COM error messages for some non available properties
objFile :=	objFSO.GetFile(filepath)
objFolder :=	objFSO.GetFolder(folderpath)

FileProperties :=	"Date Created:`t`t" . objFile.DateCreated . "`n"  
	 . "Last Accessed:`t`t" . objFile.DateLastAccessed . "`n"
	 . "Last Modified:`t`t" . objFile.DateLastModified . "`n"
	 . "File Size(bytes):`t`t" . objFile.Size . "`n"  
	 . "File Name:`t`t" . objFile.Name . "`n" 
	 . "File Short Name:`t`t" . objFile.ShortName . "`n" 
	 . "File Type:`t`t`t" . objFile.Type . "`n"  
	;Attributes 0: Normal 1:ReadOnly 2:Hidden 4:System 8:Volume 16:Directroy 32:Archive 1024:Alias 2048:Compressed
	 . "Attributes:`t`t`t" . objFile.attributes . "`n"  
	 . "File Path:`t`t`t" . objFile.Path  . "`n"   
	 . "File Short Path:`t`t" . objFile.ShortPath  . "`n"   
FolderProperties :=	"Date Created:`t`t" . objFolder.DateCreated . "`n" 
	 . "Last Accessed:`t`t" . objFolder.DateLastAccessed . "`n"
	 . "Last Modified:`t`t" . objFolder.DateLastModified . "`n"
	 . "Size(bytes):`t`t" . objFolder.Size . "`n"
	 . "Folder Name:`t`t" . objFolder.Name . "`n"
	 . "Folder Short Name:`t`t" . objFolder.ShortName . "`n" 
	 . "Folder Type:`t`t" . objFolder.Type . "`n"  
	 . "Attributes:`t`t`t" . objFolder.attributes . "`n" 
	 . "Folder Path:`t`t" . objFolder.Path  . "`n"  
	 . "Folder Short Path:`t`t" . objFolder.ShortPath  

msgbox %	FileProperties
msgbox %	FolderProperties
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 18:51

COM Object: winmgmts
Purpose: Manipulating Services
System Requirements: General
Documentation Link: Win32_Service Class
WMI Scripting Primer: Part 3
Other Links: Scripts to manage Services
Basic Code Example - retrieves service information and demonstrates starting and stopping a service:

Code: Select all

objWMIService :=	ComObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" . A_ComputerName . "\root\cimv2") 

;Determining the services which can be stopped
WQLQuery = SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE AcceptStop = True		;"AcceptStop = True"
count :=	0
For objService in objWMIService.ExecQuery(WQLQuery)
	StoppableServices .=	objService.DisplayName . "`n", count++
MsgBox,, Services which can be stopped: %count%, %StoppableServices%

;Determining the services wich can be paused
WQLQuery = SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE AcceptPause = True		;AcceptPause = True
count :=	0
For objService in objWMIService.ExecQuery(WQLQuery)
	PausableServices .=	objService.DisplayName . "`n", count++
MsgBox,, Services which can be paused: %count%, %PausableServices%

;Retrieves a complete list of services and their associated properties.
WQLQuery = Select * from Win32_Service
For objService in objWMIService.ExecQuery(WQLQuery) {
	ServicePropertyList .=	objService.DisplayName . "`n"
	 . "`tSystemName:`t" . objService.SystemName . "`n"
	 . "`tName:`t" . objService.Name . "`n"
	 . "`tServiceType:`t" . objService.ServiceType . "`n"
	 . "`tState:`t" . objService.State . "`n"
	 . "`tExitCode:`t" . objService.ExitCode . "`n"
	 . "`tProcessID:`t" . objService.ProcessID . "`n" 
	 . "`tAcceptPause:`t" . objService.AcceptPause . "`n" 
	 . "`tAcceptStop:`t" . objService.AcceptStop . "`n" 
	 . "`tCaption:`t" . objService.Caption . "`n" 
	 . "`tDescription:`t" . objService.Description . "`n" 
	 . "`tDesktopInteract:`t" . objService.DesktopInteract . "`n" 
	 . "`tDisplayName:`t" . objService.DisplayName . "`n" 
	 . "`tErrorControl:`t" . objService.ErrorControl . "`n" 
	 . "`tPathName:`t" . objService.PathName . "`n" 
	 . "`tStarted:`t" . objService.Started . "`n" 
	 . "`tStartMode:`t" . objService.StartMode . "`n" 
	 . "`tStartName:`t" . objService.StartName . "`n" 	
logfile = %A_ScriptDir%\ServicePropertyList.txt
FileDelete, %logfile%
FileAppend, %ServicePropertyList%, %logfile%
Run, Notepad "%logfile%"

Code: Select all

;Run As Admin
if	not A_IsAdmin {
	If	A_IsCompiled
		DllCall("shell32\ShellExecute" . (A_IsUnicode ? "" :"A"), (A_PtrSize=8 ? ptr : uint), 0, str, "RunAs", str, A_ScriptFullPath, str, params , str, A_WorkingDir, int, 1)
	Else	DllCall("shell32\ShellExecute" . (A_IsUnicode ? "" :"A"), (A_PtrSize=8 ? ptr : uint), 0, str, "RunAs", str, A_AhkPath, str, """" . A_ScriptFullPath . """" . A_Space . params, str, A_WorkingDir, int, 1)

objWMIService :=	ComObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" . A_ComputerName . "\root\cimv2") 

;Determining which services are currently stopped and the start mode is 'Manual'
WQLQuery = SELECT DisplayName FROM Win32_Service Where State='Stopped' AND StartMode='Manual'
count :=	0
For objService in objWMIService.ExecQuery(WQLQuery)
	StoppedServices .=	objService.DisplayName . "`n", count++
MsgBox,, Services Currently Stopped and 'Manual': %count%, %StoppedServices%

;Start the First Service in the List of the Stopped Services of the 'Manual' mode
For objService in objWMIService.ExecQuery(WQLQuery) {
	DemoRunService :=	objService.DisplayName
	if	errReturnCode :=	objService.StartService()
		MsgBox, 48,, Error Code: %errReturnCode%`nCould Not Start the Service, %DemoRunService%
	else {
		Msgbox %DemoRunService%	is Started. After OK is Pressed, It Will be Stopped.
		if	errReturnCode :=	objService.StopService()
			MsgBox, 48,, Error Code: %errReturnCode%`nCould Not Stop the Service, %DemoRunService%
		else	Msgbox Successfully Stopped the Service : %DemoRunService%
	Break	;just one service to start and stop for demo
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 18:56

COM Object: WScript.Shell
Purpose: Various Administration Tasks
System Requirements: General, WSH vertion 5.6 for the Exc() method
Documentation Link WshShell Object
Other Links: WSH Primer
Basic Code Example:

Code: Select all

;Retrieve console's outputs
objShell :=	ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
objExec :=	objShell.Exec("ipconfig.exe")
While	!objExec.Status	;wait until ipconfig.exe starts
	Sleep 100
strLine :=	objExec.StdOut.ReadAll()	;read the output at once
msgbox %	strLine   

objExec :=	objShell.Exec("cmd /c ping -n 3 -w 1000")
While	!objExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream ;read the output line by line
	if	InStr(objExec.StdOut.ReadLine(), "Reply") {
		Msgbox Reply received.

;Retrieve Special Folder paths
Msgbox %	"Desktop:`n`t" . objShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop") . "`n"
	 . "Favorites:`n`t" . objShell.SpecialFolders("Favorites") . "`n"
	 . "MyDocuments:`n`t" . objShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") . "`n"
	 . "SendTo:`n`t" . objShell.SpecialFolders("SendTo") . "`n"
	 . "StartMenu:`n`t" . objShell.SpecialFolders("StartMenu") . "`n"
	 . "Startup:`n`t" . objShell.SpecialFolders("Startup")
;Add logs to Application Event Log 	
objShell.LogEvent(0, "Test Writing: Success")
objShell.LogEvent(1, "Test Writing: Error")
objShell.LogEvent(2, "Test Writing: Warning")
objShell.LogEvent(4, "Test Writing: Information")
objShell.LogEvent(8, "Test Writing: Audit Sucess")
objShell.LogEvent(16, "Test Writing: Audit Failure")	

;Hello World Script with MessageBox and Notepad
objExec :=	objShell.Exec("notepad.exe")			;Run, notepad,,, PID
While	!objShell.AppActivate(objExec.ProcessID)	;WinWaitActive, ahk_pid %PID%
	sleep 100
objShell.SendKeys("Hello World!{Enter}") ;Send, Hell World{Enter}
iBtn :=	objShell.Popup("Do you cancel?", 5, "Continue?", 33)	;Msgbox,33, Continue?, Do you cancel?, 5
if	iBtn = 1         ;OK is pressed
	objShell.Popup("Done", 5, "You pressed OK", 64)
else if	iBtn = 2    ;Cancel is pressed
	objShell.Popup("Canceled", 5, "You pressed Cancel", 64)
else	;Timeout or other reasons
	objShell.Popup("Forced Execution", 5, "None pressed", 64)
objExec.Terminate()								;Process, Close, %PID%
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 18:59

COM Object: WScript.Shell
Purpose: Exchange variables between scripts
System Requirements: General
Documentation Link: WshEnvironment Object
Other Links: Environment Variables
Basic Code Example - demonstrates how to set a volatile environment variable and read it from another script:Save this code as Sender.ahk

Code: Select all

objShell :=	ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
objEnv :=	objShell.Environment("Volatile")
loop {
	random, env, 0, 100
	;Here the variable is named "Test". Change the name as you need.
	;But the other script to read the value needs the corresponding variable name.
	;This variable and its value will be lost after logout/restart/shutdown of your computer.
	objEnv.Item("Test") :=	env
	sleep 100
Save this code as Receiver.ahk

Code: Select all

objShell :=	ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
objEnv :=	objShell.Environment("Volatile")
loop {
	tooltip %	objEnv.Item("Test")
	sleep 100
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 19:09

COM Object: Excel.Application
Purpose: Work with SafeArray and Range in Excel
System Requirements: General
Basic Code Example
Hotkeys: F1 - set values to Range("A1:B3") via SafeArray, F2 - get values from Range("A1:B3") via SafeArray

Code: Select all

#IfWinActive, ahk_class XLMAIN
F1::	; set values to Range("A1:B3") via SafeArray
SafeArray :=	ComObjArray(12, 3, 2)	; create a safe array. "12" means VT_VARIANT, "3" means 3 rows (1. dimension), "2" means 2 columns (2. dimension)

; Note: when building a SafeArray to assign to an Excel Range Value, it will be 0-based
Loop, 3	; 3 rows
	RowNum :=	A_Index-1
	Loop, 2	;  2 columns
		ColNum :=	A_Index-1
		SafeArray[RowNum, ColNum] :=	"Row" RowNum +1  " Col" ColNum + 1

oExcel :=	ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
oExcel.Range("A1:B3").value :=	SafeArray 	; set safe array to range object

F2::	; get values from Range("A1:B3") via SafeArray
oExcel :=	ComObjActive("Excel.Application")

SafeArray :=	oExcel.Range("A1:B3").value	; get safe array

;MsgBox %	SafeArray.MaxIndex(1)   ; get total rows (1. dimension)
;MsgBox %	SafeArray.MaxIndex(2)   ; get total columns (2. dimension)

; Note: when extracting the SafeArray, it will be 1-based
Loop %	SafeArray.MaxIndex(1) ; loop through every row
	CurRowNum :=	A_Index
	Loop %	SafeArray.MaxIndex(2)  ; loop through every column
		MsgBox,,, %	SafeArray[CurRowNum, A_Index], 1    ; get cell's value

Code: Select all

DemoString =
Mark%A_Tab%Weber%A_Tab%Student%A_Tab%His father is a driver.
Jill%A_Tab%Lochte%A_Tab%Artist%A_Tab%Jack's sister.

#IfWinActive, ahk_class XLMAIN
F1::	; set 2 dimensional object to Range("A1:D4") via SafeArray
oExcel :=	ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
SafeArray(oExcel.Range("A1:D4"), String2Table(DemoString))

F2::	; get 2 dimensional object from Selection or any other range object via SafeArray, and convert it to string
oExcel :=	ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
MsgBox %	Table2String(SafeArray(oExcel.Selection))

SafeArray(oRange, oTable="") {	; Sets or gets SafeArray. By Learning one.
		oRange		MS Excel range object
		oTable		2 dimensional array object
		if oTable is empty		function gets SafeArray from specified oRange and returns it as oTable
		else					function converts oTable to SafeArray, and sets it to specified oRange
	if	(oTable = "")	; get SafeArray
		oTable :=	Object()
		SafeArray :=	oRange.value
		if	(SafeArray.MaxIndex(1) = "")	; just one cell range
			return	SafeArray	; return as var not object
		Loop %	SafeArray.MaxIndex(1) ; loop through every row
			RowNum :=	A_Index
			%RowNum% :=	Object()
			Loop %	SafeArray.MaxIndex(2)  ; loop through every column
				%RowNum%.Insert(SafeArray[RowNum, A_Index])
		return	oTable
	else	; set SafeArray
		if	!IsObject(oTable)
			oRange.value :=	oTable
		For k,v in oTable
			Dimension1 ++	; rows
			CurMaxCol :=	oTable[k].MaxIndex()
			if	(CurMaxCol > Dimension2)
				Dimension2 :=	CurMaxCol
		SafeArray :=	ComObjArray(12, Dimension1, Dimension2)
		Loop, %	Dimension1	; rows
			RowNum :=	A_Index-1
			Loop, %	Dimension2	;  columns
				ColNum :=	A_Index-1
				SafeArray[RowNum, ColNum] :=	oTable[RowNum+1][ColNum+1]
		oRange.value :=	SafeArray 

String2Table(String, ColumnsDelimiter="`t", RowsDelimiter= "`n") {	; converts string to table object (2 dimensional). By Learning one.
	oTable :=	Object()
	Loop, parse, String, %RowsDelimiter%
		CurRow :=	A_LoopField, RowNum :=	A_index
		%RowNum% :=	Object()
		Loop, parse, CurRow, %ColumnsDelimiter%
	return	oTable

Table2String(oTable, ColumnsDelimiter="`t", RowsDelimiter= "`n") {	; converts table object (2 dimensional) to string. By Learning one.
	if	!IsObject(oTable)	; var passed as obj
		return	oTable
	For k,v in oTable
		For k2,v2 in oTable[k]
			RowString .=	v2 ColumnsDelimiter
			RowString :=	RTrim(RowString, ColumnsDelimiter)
			TableString .=	RowString RowsDelimiter
			RowString =
	return	RTrim(TableString, RowsDelimiter)
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 19:11

COM Object: Shell.Application [Folder Object]
Purpose: Access/Manipulate Folders
System Requirements: General
Documentation Link: Shell Object, Folder Object
Code Example: Rename Folders/Files without using FileCopy(Dir)

Code: Select all

;// Create an example directory
dir :=	A_Desktop "\Example_Dir"
FileCreateDir, %dir%\Temp
Loop 9
	FileAppend, , %dir%\_%A_Index%.txt
Run %dir%
MsgBox, 262144, , Press OK to add Prefix to files...

;// Loop through the folder items. Add a Prefix to the files.
objFolder :=	ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").NameSpace(dir)
for item in objFolder.items
	if	Not item.isFolder :=	"File"

;// Delete example directory
MsgBox Deleting Directory...
FileRemoveDir, %dir%, 1
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 19:17

COM Object: Shell.Explorer [Embedded Browser]
Purpose: Embed a Trident Browser (IE) in a Gui
System Requirements: General
Documentation Link: Shell.Explorer, iWebBrowser2
Basic Code Example: Embed a browser navigate to a web site and wait for it to loadEvery one asks why ctrl+key comboes and enter do not work in theier implementation of this. Please see how this is solved in this example

Code: Select all

	written by tank updated by Jethrow
	AHK_L version ansii 32 bit or higher
	Date : 10/18/2011
		If	!WB.busy

	;// housekeeping routines
	;// set the tear down procedure
	;// Create a gui
	Gui, +LastFound +Resize +OwnDialogs
	;// create an instance of Internet Explorer_Server
	;// store the iwebbrowser2 interface pointer as *WB* & the hwnd as *ATLWinHWND*
	Gui, Add, ActiveX, w510 h600 x0 y0 vWB hwndATLWinHWND, Shell.Explorer
	;// disable annoying script errors from the page
	WB.silent :=	true
	;// necesary to accept enter and accelorator keys
	;// necesary to accept enter and accelorator keys
	;// get the in place interface pointer
	pipa :=	ComObjQuery(WB, IOleInPlaceActiveObject_Interface)
	;// necesary to accept enter and accelorator keys
	;// capture key messages
	OnMessage(WM_KEYDOWN:=0x0100, "WM_KEYDOWN")
	OnMessage(WM_KEYUP:=0x0101, "WM_KEYDOWN")
	;//Display the GUI
	gui,show, w510 h600 ,Gui Browser
	;// return and allow the program

;// capture the gui resize event
	;// if there is a resize event lets resize the browser
	WinMove, %	"ahk_id " . ATLWinHWND, , 0,0, A_GuiWidth, A_GuiHeight

	;// housekeeping
	;// destroy the gui
	Gui, Destroy
	;// release the in place interface pointer

WM_KEYDOWN(wParam, lParam, nMsg, hWnd)  ;// modeled after code written by lexikos
	global	wb, pipa
	static	fields :=	"hWnd,nMsg,wParam,lParam,A_EventInfo,A_GuiX,A_GuiY"
	WinGetClass, ClassName, ahk_id %hWnd%
	if	(ClassName = "Internet Explorer_Server")
		;// Build MSG Structure
		VarSetCapacity(Msg, 48)
		Loop Parse, fields, `,
			NumPut(%A_LoopField%, Msg, (A_Index-1)*A_PtrSize)
		;// Call Translate Accelerator Method
		TranslateAccelerator :=	NumGet(NumGet(1*pipa)+5*A_PtrSize)
		Loop 2 ;// only necessary for Shell.Explorer Object
			r :=	DllCall(TranslateAccelerator, "Ptr",pipa, "Ptr",&Msg)
		until	wParam != 9 || wb.document.activeElement != ""
		if	r = 0 ;// S_OK: the message was translated to an accelerator.
			return	0
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 19:21

COM Object: WMPlayer.OCX
Purpose: Play Media Files; Embed WMP control in GUI
System Requirements: Windows Media Player 9 Series or later
Documentation Link: Player Object
Code Example:

Code: Select all

FileSelectFile, file, 2, %A_MyDocuments%, Select WMP Compatable File:
if	Errorlevel

wmp :=	ComObjCreate("WMPlayer.OCX")
ComObjConnect(wmp, "wmp_") ;// show player status in TrayTip
wmp.url :=	file ;// play file


Message("Speed Up")
wmp.settings.rate :=	1.5

Message("Return to Normal Speed")
wmp.settings.rate :=	1 

Message("Load File in WMP App & Close Script")

wmp :=	""  ;// release/disconnect object

wmp_StatusChange(wmp) {
	TrayTip, , %	"Status: " wmp.status
	 .  "`nDuration: " wmp.currentMedia.durationString

Message(str) {
	ToolTip, Press CTRL to %str%
	KeyWait, CTRL, D
	KeyWait, CTRL 
Embed player in a GUI:

Code: Select all

FileSelectFile, file, 2, %A_MyDocuments%, Select WMP Compatable File:
if	Errorlevel

Gui, +LastFound +Resize
Gui, Add, ActiveX, x0 y0 w500 h300 vWMP, WMPLayer.OCX
WMP.Url :=	file
Gui, Show, w500 h300 Center, Player GUI
SetTimer, Position, 1000


	GuiControl, Move, WMP, w%A_GuiWidth%	h%A_GuiHeight%
	Gui, Show, NA, % " - " Format(WMP.Controls.currentPosition) " / " Format(WMP.CurrentMedia.duration)

Format(m1) {
	static	units :=	"sec,min,hr"
	Loop Parse, units, csv
		RegExMatch(m1/60, "(.*)(\.\d*)", m), %A_LoopField% :=	Pad(Round(m2*60))
	return	(hr? hr ":":"") min ":" sec

Pad(p) {
	return	(p<10? "0":"") p
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 19:34

COM Object: Ahk.ComSurrogate.32/64
Purpose: Create COM objects of a specified bitness
System Requirements: ComDispatch.ahk (with the included ComRemote.ahk library)
Description:This is a simple COM script that proxies the creation of 32-bit only objects on 64-bit scripts and vice versa.

Code: Select all

; File encoding:  UTF-8
; Author: fincs
; COM 32bit<->64bit object creation surrogate

SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%

#SingleInstance Off
#Include ComRemote.ahk

; CLSID and APPID for this script: don't reuse, please!
if	A_PtrSize = 4
	CLSID_ThisScript :=	"{EB42F5B6-31A0-4B9D-8C6D-757FE4136B2C}"
	APPID_ThisScript :=	"Ahk.ComSurrogate.32"
else if	A_PtrSize = 8
	CLSID_ThisScript :=	"{CC2D93BB-3818-40E6-9405-804512FF23DC}"
	APPID_ThisScript :=	"Ahk.ComSurrogate.64"
	MsgBox, 16,, What kind of weird AHK build are you running?!

test :=	ComObjActive(APPID_ThisScript)
if	IsObject(test)
	ExitApp ; already running

; Register our CLSID and APPID
OnExit, IDCleanup
RegisterIDs(CLSID_ThisScript, APPID_ThisScript)

; Create a dispatch object for exposing
myObj :=	ComDispatch("", "ObjCreate=Wrap_ObjCreate, Close=Wrap_Close")
; Expose it
if	!(hRemote :=	ComRemote(myObj, CLSID_ThisScript))
	MsgBox, 16, %A_ScriptName%, Can't remote the object!

; End of auto-run section

; Remove the CLSID and APPID from the registry
RevokeIDs(CLSID_ThisScript, APPID_ThisScript)

	RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKCU, Software\Classes\%APPID%,, %APPID%
	RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKCU, Software\Classes\%APPID%\CLSID,, %CLSID%
	RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKCU, Software\Classes\CLSID\%CLSID%,, %APPID%

	RegDelete, HKCU, Software\Classes\%APPID%
	RegDelete, HKCU, Software\Classes\CLSID\%CLSID%

Str2GUID(ByRef var, str)
	VarSetCapacity(var, 16)
	DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", str, "ptr", &var)
	return	&var

; --------------------------------------------

Wrap_ObjCreate(this, ProgIDorCLSID)
	return	ComObjCreate(ProgIDorCLSID)

	SetTimer, _Close, -0

You need to have it running in the background using the AHK_L build of the appropriate bitness (running both AHK_L builds at the same time is supported), then you can use these functions to create objects:

Code: Select all

	static	_sur :=	A_PtrSize = 8 ? ComObjActive("Ahk.ComSurrogate.32") : ""
	return	A_PtrSize = 8 ? _sur.ObjCreate(ProgIDorCLSID) : ComObjCreate(ProgIDorCLSID)

	static	_sur :=	A_PtrSize = 4 ? ComObjActive("Ahk.ComSurrogate.64") : ""
	return	A_PtrSize = 4 ? _sur.ObjCreate(ProgIDorCLSID) : ComObjCreate(ProgIDorCLSID)
Example: ScriptControl on 64-bit AHK_L:

Code: Select all

oSC :=	ComCreateObj32("ScriptControl"), oSC.Language :=	"VBScript"
oSC.ExecuteStatement("MsgBox ""Hello World!""")
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 20:17

COM Object: WIA.CommonDialog/WIA.DeviceManager/WIA.ImageFile/WIA.ImageProcess/WIA.Rational/WIA.Vector
Purpose: acquire images on digital cameras, scanners, or Web cameras, and to rotate, scale, and annotate your image files.
System Requirements: require Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later, and Windows Image Acquisition Automation Library v2.0 Tool
Documentation Link:
Other Links:
Basic Code Example:

Display Detailed Image Information

The following example shows how to display detailed information about one of the sample pictures from Microsoft Windows XP.

Code: Select all

Img :=	ComObjCreate("WIA.ImageFile")


s :=	"Width = " Img.Width "`n"
	 . "Height = " Img.Height "`n"
	 . "Depth = " Img.PixelDepth "`n"
	 . "HorizontalResolution = " Img.HorizontalResolution "`n"
	 . "VerticalResolution = " Img.VerticalResolution "`n"
	 . "FrameCount = " Img.FrameCount "`n"

If	Img.IsIndexedPixelFormat
	s :=	s "Pixel data contains palette indexes" "`n"

If	Img.IsAlphaPixelFormat
	s :=	s "Pixel data has alpha information" "`n"

If	Img.IsExtendedPixelFormat
	s :=	s "Pixel data has extended color information (16 bit/channel)" "`n"

If	Img.IsAnimated
	s :=	s "Image is animated" "`n"

If	Img.Properties.Exists("40091")
	v :=	Img.Properties("40091").Value
	s :=	s "Title = " v.String "`n"

If	Img.Properties.Exists("40092")
	v :=	Img.Properties("40092").Value
	s :=	s "Comment = " v.String "`n"

If	Img.Properties.Exists("40093")
	v :=	Img.Properties("40093").Value
	s :=	s "Author = " v.String "`n"

If	Img.Properties.Exists("40094")
	v :=	Img.Properties("40094").Value
	s :=	s "Keywords = " v.String "`n"

If	Img.Properties.Exists("40095")
	v :=	Img.Properties("40095").Value
	s :=	s "Subject = " v.String "`n"

MsgBox, %	s
Take a Picture

The following example shows how to signal a camera to take a picture if the device selected is a camera.

Code: Select all

objCommonDialog :=	ComObjCreate("WIA.CommonDialog")

dev :=	objCommonDialog.ShowSelectDevice

If	(dev.Type = CameraDeviceType)
	itm :=	dev.ExecuteCommand(wiaCommandTakePicture)
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 20:20

COM Object: Outlook.Application
Purpose: Create various new items in Outlook
System Requirements: Windows 2000 or higher
Documentation Link: Outlook 2003 Visual Basic Reference
Other Links: CreateItem Method, GetInspector Property, OlItemType constants
Basic Code Example: The entire process of creating a new Outlook item can be executed in a single line using one of the OlItemType constants shown in the below code (and in the above link) with the CreateItem method. This method is valuable if you have problems opening new items using the command line switches.

Code: Select all

olAppointmentItem   1 
olContactItem   2 
olDistributionListItem   7 
olJournalItem   4 
olMailItem   0 
olNoteItem   5 
olPostItem   6 
olTaskItem   3 

; will create a new mail item

; will create a new note item
And here's a sample ListBox GUI that will allow you to select and create a new instance of any of the applicable Outlook items:

Code: Select all

Gui, Add, Text, xm ym w325 Section, Select the Outlook item you wish to create:
Gui, Add, ListBox, r6 xs wp AltSubmit gItemSelection vitem,  Mail||Appointment|Contact|Task|Journal|Note|Post|Distribution List
Gui, Add, Button, xs+295 gCreateItem, OK
Gui, Show, AutoSize Center, Create New Outlook Item

if	(A_ThisLabel="ItemSelection" && A_GuiEvent<>"DoubleClick")
Gui, Submit
Gui, Destroy

Gui, Destroy
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 20:25

COM Object: CAPICOM Series
Purpose: digitally sign data, sign code, verify digital signatures, envelop data for privacy, hash data, encrypt/decrypt data and more.
System Requirements: 32-bit OS, for more details, please see MSDN
Documentation Link: CAPICOM Reference
Other Links:Platform SDK Redistributable: CAPICOM
Basic Code Example: First require to install capicom.dll from microsoft's site above.

Code: Select all



	This is a sample script to illustrate how to use the CAPICOMs EncryptedData 
	to encrypt/decrypt text file.

	Note: For simplicity, this script does not handle exception.


ForReading :=	1
ForWriting :=	2

; CAPICOM's constants.                                             

strSF :=	"C:\test.txt"
strOF :=	"C:\Encrypted.txt"
Password :=	"123456"

EncryptCommand(strSF, strOF, Algorithm, KeyLength, Password)
;~ DecryptCommand(strSF, strOF, Password)

; End Main

; EncryptCommand() - Encrypt content of text file ObjectFile.

EncryptCommand(SourceFile, ObjectFile, Algorithm, KeyLength, Password)
	Content :=	""
	Message :=	""
	EncryptedData :=	""
	; Create the EncryptedData object.
	EncryptedData :=	ComObjCreate("CAPICOM.EncryptedData")
	; algorithm, key size, and encryption password.
	EncryptedData.Algorithm.Name :=	Algorithm
	EncryptedData.Algorithm.KeyLength :=	KeyLength
	; Display main title.
	MsgBox, %	"Encrypting text file " . SourceFile . "."

	; Load content of text file to be encrypted.
	LoadFile(SourceFile, Content)
	; Now encrypt it.
	EncryptedData.Content :=	Content
	Message :=	EncryptedData.Encrypt
	; Finally, save encrypted message to strSF.
	SaveFile(ObjectFile, Message)
	MsgBox, %	"Successful - Encrypted message saved to " . ObjectFile . "."

	; Free resources.
	EncryptedData :=	""

; DecryptCommand() - Decrypt an encrypted file.

DecryptCommand(SourceFile, ObjectFile, Password)
	Message :=	""
	EncryptedData :=	""
	; Create the EncryptedData object.
	EncryptedData :=	ComObjCreate("CAPICOM.EncryptedData")
	; decryption password.
	; Display main title.
	MsgBox, %	"Decrypting encrypted text file " . SourceFile . "."
	; Load the encrypted message.
	LoadFile(SourceFile, Message)
	; Now decrypt it.
	; Finally, save decrypted content to strSF.
	SaveFile(ObjectFile, EncryptedData.Content)
	MsgBox, %	"Successful - Decrypted content saved to " . ObjectFile . "."
	; Free resources.
	EncryptedData :=	""


; LoadFile() - Read content of a text file.

LoadFile(FileName, ByRef Buffer)   
	global	ForReading
	objFSO :=	"", objTS :=	""
	objFSO :=	ComObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

	If	Not objFSO.FileExists(FileName)
		MsgBox, %	"Error: File " . FileName . " not found."
	objTS :=	objFSO.OpenTextFile(FileName, ForReading)  
	Buffer :=	objTS.ReadAll

; SaveFile() - Save string to file.

SaveFile(FileName, ByRef Buffer)
	global	ForWriting
	objFSO :=	"", objTS :=	""
	objFSO :=	ComObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	objTS :=	objFSO.OpenTextFile(FileName, ForWriting, True)
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 20:28

COM Object: Excel.Sheet
Purpose: Hold MS Excel Data - represents a MS Excel workbook
System Requirements: MS Excel
Documentation Link: WorkBook Object
Other Links: Excel Constants, Sort Method
Code Example:

Code: Select all

;// Excel Constants
xlMaximized :=	-4137
xlAsc :=	xlYes :=	1

;// Create WorkBook
XLBook :=	ComObjCreate("Excel.Sheet")
XLSht :=	XLBook.ActiveSheet

;// Maximize the WorkBook Control
XLBook.Windows(1).WindowState :=	xlMaximized
XLBook.Application.Visible :=	true

;// Fill in Data & Sort
for cell in XLSht.Range("A1:C10")
	if	(cell.row = 1)
		cell.value :=	"Header " A_Index
	else {
		Random, num, 0, 1
		cell.value :=	num

;// Sort Data
MsgBox, Sorting by Column 1, then 2, then 3...
XLSht.Cells.Sort(   XLSht.Columns(1), xlAsc
	 , XLSht.Columns(2), ComObjMissing(), xlAsc
	 , XLSht.Columns(3), xlAsc
	 , xlYes )

;// Save WorkBook
MsgBox, 4, , The Workbook will close once the object is released - would you like to save it to the scirpt directory?
IfMsgBox, Yes
	XLBook.SaveAs(A_ScriptDir "\Excel.Sheet Example.xls")
Note - the Excel.Sheet object will open in the Active Excel Process (accessed by ComObjActive) - or will create a new Excel Process - and it will close when the pointer is released.
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 20:31

COM Object: Shell.Application [Folder & FolderItems object]
Purpose: Extract Files From/Unzip a Zip Directory
System Requirements: General
Documentation Link: Shell Object, Folder Object, FolderItems
Other Links: CopyHere Method
Code Example:

Code: Select all

ZipFolder :=	A_Desktop "\"
NewDir :=	A_Desktop "\New Folder"

FileCreateDir, %NewDir%

shell :=	ComObjCreate("Shell.Application")
Folder :=	shell.NameSpace(ZipFolder)
NewFolder :=	shell.NameSpace(NewDir)

;// extract all
NewFolder.CopyHere(Folder.items, 4|16)

;// extract 1-by-1
for item in Folder.items
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 20:36

COM Object: Outlook.Application
Purpose: Personal Information Manager
System Requirements: MS Outlook (MS Office)
Documentation Link: Application Object
Other Links: Session Property, Folders Collection, MAPIFolder Object, MailItem Object
Basic Code Example: This example will access the Outlook Folders, and then each item in the Drafts Folder, assuming Outlook is already open.

Code: Select all

; Access the Session NameSpace
Session :=	ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").Session

; Access the Folders Collection
Folders :=	Session.Folders("Outlook Data File").Folders

; Loop through the MAPIFolders
Loop, %	Folders.Count
	t .=	Folders.item(A_Index).Name "`n"
MsgBox, %t%

; Loop through all the MailItems in the Drafts Folder
DraftItems :=	Folders.item("Drafts").Items
Loop, %	DraftItems.Count {
	Item :=	DraftItems.item(A_Index)
	MsgBox, %	"To:`t" Item.To
	 . "`nSubject:`t" Item.Subject
	 . "`nBody:`t" Item.Body
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 20:41

COM Object: ActiveX Data Objects (ADODB.Connection and others)
Purpose: Work with a variety of databases, such as CSV, Excel xls, Access mdb and so on.
System Requirements: General
Documentation Link: ... p/ms675532
Basic Code Example:

Code: Select all

sDatabaseName :=	"e:\TestDatabase.MDB"
adOpenStatic :=	3, adLockOptimistic :=	3, adUseClient :=	3

sConnectionString :=	"provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" . sDatabaseName
sCommandText :=	"SELECT ID,Name FROM MyTable"

; Create a database using ADOX
oCatalog :=	ComObjCreate("ADOX.Catalog")
oTable :=	ComObjCreate("ADOX.Table")
oTable.Name :=	"MyTable"
oTable.Columns.Append("ID", 3)	; adInteger 3 Indicates a four-byte signed integer (DBTYPE_I4). 
oTable.Columns.Append("Name", 202, 50)	; adVarWChar 202 Indicates a null-terminated Unicode character string. 
oTable :=	""
oCatalog :=	""

; Connect to the database and query some data from it
oConnection :=	ComObjCreate("ADODB.Connection")
oRecordset :=	ComObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset")
oRecordset.CursorLocation :=	adUseClient
oRecordset.Open(sCommandText, oConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic)

; Add new record
oRecordset.Fields["ID"].Value :=	1
oRecordset.Fields["Name"].Value :=	"AutoHotkey"

; Reading and display current record
If	!oRecordset.EOF
	MsgBox, %	"ID: " oRecordset.Fields["ID"].Value "`n"
	 . "Name: " oRecordset.Fields["Name"].Value

; Disconnect the connection
oRecordset.Close(), oConnection.Close()
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 20:46

COM Object: Outlook
Purpose: Demonstrate sending an email with attachments using Outlook
System Requirements: Windows 2000 or higher
Documentation Link: Outlook Object Model
Other Links: CreateItem Method, OlItemType constants, Attachments Collection, Recipients Collection
Basic Code Example: The following code copies the files from he A:\ drive to a backup folder, then emails them as attachments to the specified recipient.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force
SetBatchLines -1
ListLines Off
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

; Autoexecute
global	DataDir :=	A_MyDocuments "\Reports\"
global	FileList :=	""

gosub	MakeSplashGUI


	if	not FileExist("A:\*.*") {
		MsgBox 4144, No Files Found
		 , There are no files found on drive A:\`n`nOperation aborted!

	GuiControl Splash:, SplashText, Moving Files
	Gui Splash:Show

	; Move files from drive A:\ to backup
	Loop A:\*.*
		FileMove %	A_LoopFileFullPath, %	DataDir, 1
		FileList .=	(FileList = "") ? "" : "`n"
		FileList .=	A_LoopFileName
	Gui Splash:Cancel

	if	(FileList = "")

	; Create email message
	GuiControl Splash:, SplashText, Creating Email
	Gui Splash:Show

	omsg :=	ComObjCreate("Outlook.Application")
	NewMail :=	omsg.CreateItem(0) ; 0 = olMailItem
	NewMail.Subject :=	"Reports"
	NewMail.Body :=	""

	Recipient :=	NewMail.Recipients.Add("Somebody's Name")
	Recipient.Type :=	1 ; To: CC: = 2 BCC: = 3

	; Add attachments
	Loop Parse, FileList, `n, `r
		NewMail.Body .=	A_LoopField "`n"
		NewMail.Attachments.Add(DataDir . A_LoopField)

	; Send the email
	GuiControl Splash:, SplashText, Sending Email

	GuiControl Splash:, SplashText, Email Sent
	Sleep 2000
	Gui Splash:Cancel

Gui Splash:+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Border
Gui Splash:Font, bold
Gui Splash:Add, Text
 , r2 w250 vSplashText
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 20:50

COM Objects: msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0, msxml2.SAXXMLReader.6.0, msxml2.MXXMLWriter.6.0
Purpose: Format XML output
System Requirements: Windows XP SP3+, Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0
Documentation Link: XML DOM Reference
Other Links: Use MXXMLWriter
Basic Code Example:

Code: Select all


;[  Load  ]
;-- Note: XML data from fincs.  The data has been edited to remove all formatting.
(ltrim join
	<artist type="individual">Frank Sinatra</artist>
	<title numberoftracks="4">In The Wee Small Hours</title>
	<track>In The Wee Small Hours</track>
	<track>Mood Indigo</track>
	<track>Glad To Be Unhappy</track>
	<track>I Get Along Without You Very Well</track>
	<artist type="band">The Offspring</artist>
	<title numberoftracks="5">Americana</title>
	<track>Have You Ever</track>
	<track>Staring At The Sun</track>
	<track>Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)</track>

MsgBox Before:`n%xmldata%

;-- Create DOM object

;-- Load XML data to DOM object
if	xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode
		 ,XML Load Error
		 ,%	"Unable to load XML data."
		  . "`nError: " . xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode
		  . "`nReason: " . xmlDoc.parseError.reason

;[  Format  ]
;-- Create SAXXMLReader and MXXMLWriter objects

;-- Set properties on the XML writer.
;   Note: Some of the property assignments  have been commented out so that the
;   default values will be used.  Uncomment and set to another value if desired.

	;-- Determines whether to write the Byte Order Mark (BOM). The
	;   byteOrderMark property has no effect for BSTR or DOM output.

	;-- Matches the disable-output-escaping attribute of the <xsl:text> and
	;   <xsl:value-of> elements.  When set to True, special symbols such as
	;   "&" are passed through literally.

;;;;;    ;-- Sets and gets encoding for the output.  Observation: For some
;;;;;    ;   reason, encoding is not displayed in the processing instructions
;;;;;    ;   node if this property is set to "UTF-8".

	;-- Forces the IMXWriter to skip the XML declaration.  Useful for
	;   creating document fragments.  Observation: For some reason (bug?),
	;   this property is assumed to be TRUE if the "output" property is a
	;   DOM object.

	;-- Sets whether to indent output.  There is no real need for the
	;   xmlWriter without this feature

;;;;;    ;-- Sets the value of the standalone attribute in the XML declaration to
;;;;;    ;   "yes" or "no".

;;;;;    ;-- Specifies the version to include in XML declarations.
;;;;;    ;-- Sets the destination and the type of output for IMXWriter.
;;;;;    ;   Observation: If set, this property should (must?) be set last.
;-- Set the XML writer to the SAX content handler
xmlReader.contentHandler :=xmlWriter
xmlReader.dtdHandler     :=xmlWriter
xmlReader.errorHandler   :=xmlWriter

;-- Trigger the xmlWriter format engine.  Show results.
MsgBox %	"After:`n" . xmlWriter.output
;;;;;;[  Save  ]
;;;;;;-- Create output DOM object
;;;;;;-- Load and save
;;;;;if xmlOutputDoc.parseError.errorCode
;;;;;    {
;;;;;    MsgBox
;;;;;        ,16
;;;;;        ,XML Save Error
;;;;;        ,%	"Unable to save XML data."
;;;;;        . "`nError: " . xmlOutputDoc.parseError.errorCode
;;;;;        . "`nReason: " . xmlOutputDoc.parseError.reason
;;;;;    return
;;;;;    }
;;;;;MsgBox Formatted XML saved to "FormattedXMLFile.xml".  %A_Space%
Although the flexibility of the XML writer is limited, the output is correctly parsed, formatted, and encoded.
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Re: COM Object Reference

02 Oct 2013, 20:53

COM Object: VBSript.RegExp
Purpose: VBS Regular Expressions
System Requirements: General
Documentation Link: Regular Expression Object Properties and Methods, Microsoft Beefs Up VBScript with Regular Expressions
Basic Code Example: Global Regex match & replace

Code: Select all

haystack :=	"<A id='MyLink'>one<SPAN id='MyText'>two</SPAN>three</A>"

regex :=	ComObjCreate("VBScript.RegExp")
regex.Global :=	true
regex.IgnoreCase :=	true
regex.Pattern :=	"<.*?(id='\w+')?>"

match :=	regex.Execute(haystack)
t :=	"Haystack: " haystack "`nNeedle:`t " regex.Pattern "`n`n"

t .=	"`tPos (-1)`tLen`tVal`n`t------------------------------------------`n"
for item in match {
	_ :=	"[" A_Index-1 "]`t" 
	t .=	_ item.FirstIndex "`t" item.Length "`t" item.value "`n"
	s .=	_ item.SubMatches(0) "`n"
;// first character in the string is identified as 0
MsgBox,, %	match.count " Matches", %t%
MsgBox,, SubPatterns, %s%
MsgBox,, Tags Replaced, %	regex.Replace(haystack, "|")
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Re: COM Object Reference

03 Oct 2013, 03:38

sinkfaze wrote:COM Object: VBSript.RegExp
Purpose: VBS Regular Expressions
System Requirements: General
Documentation Link: Regular Expression Object Properties and Methods
Personally, I'd like to recommend the following link.

Microsoft Beefs Up VBScript with Regular Expressions

Code: Select all

123 abc 456 def
789 efgh 012 ijkl
REX  :=  ComObjCreate( "VBScript.RegExp" )
REX.Global  :=  True 
REX.IgnoreCase  :=  False
REX.Pattern  :=  "(\d+)\s*(\w+)"
COL  :=  REX.Execute( CNT)
Loop %  COL.Count
  LT1  .= COL.Item( A_Index - 1 ).Value  "`n"    ; Zero Based Offset
Loop %  COL.Count
  LT2  .= COL.Item( A_Index - 1 ).Submatches(0)
For EMT  in  COL
  LT3  .=  EMT.Value  "`n"
For EMT  in  COL
  LT4  .=  EMT.Submatches(1)
Msgbox % LT1 "`n`n" LT2 "`n`n" LT3  "`n`n"  LT4
Last edited by Hamlet on 03 Oct 2013, 04:39, edited 2 times in total.

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