Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

06 Jan 2016, 05:56

Thank you all for your help...

Using the binding via pressing a key option worked.

<Binding Device="vJoy" Key="Joy_XAxis" />
<Inverted Value="1" />
<Deadzone Value="0.04011698" />

Is now the entry in the .binds file.

Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

19 Apr 2016, 12:49

Can i get an older version of UJR?
I'm using Windows XP and last version of vJoy that works for me is 2.0.3 (21-04-14). Latest UJR thinks it's too old .
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

19 Apr 2016, 12:58

Unfortunately, I do not keep old releases of UJR. The problem you are having is most likely due to a bad install of vJoy.
When you say "last version of vJoy that works for me is 2.0.3", what do you mean? Newer versions will not install?
Try uninstalling vJoy, then installing the new version.

Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

19 Apr 2016, 14:03

The latest versions of vJoy "fail to install".
Versions starting 2.0.5 (08-01-15) an older install OK, and HID-device shows up, but JoyConf.exe says "Error executing program" and all the rest of them too.
And UJR locates vJoyInterface.dll, but fails to load it (shows error message).
Versions 2.0.3 (21-04-14) an older work fine, but considered old.

Will try another WinXP machine.

Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

19 Apr 2016, 15:13

The vJoy author is very responsive on his forum, I suggest you raise this issue with him as you most likely do not want to be stuck with an old version of vJoy.
Thank you. Moving there then.

Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

08 May 2016, 11:47

Dear evilC, great job with the script.
I'm trying to get my old PS2 controller (using superbox 3 adapter) to work with Dark Souls 3.
Thanks to UJR (and UCR) both sticks are recognized by the game. However I can't get the buttons to work with UJR. I tried to switch to UCR and map the button to keyboards keys but I get the same results: they're not detected by the game. Could it have to do with some anticheat or the way the key press are emulated?
Thanks in advance for your help
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

09 May 2016, 07:11

There are various reasons why a game would not recognize keypresses from UCR, but the two most common are:
1) Script needs to run as Admin.
Simple, just right-click UCR.exe and "Run as Admin".

2) Key delay
Some games need keys to be held for a certain amount of time for a game to recognize them.
However, this is unlikely to be the case in this instance, as when you map a button to a key in UCR, the down event and up event of the button and key are synchronized.

Try the fix for (1), and if that doesn't work, we can maybe investigate more.

The reason that the joystick button output (eg just using UJR, or selecting a vJoy button as an output in UCR) does not work is probably something else. When you use UCR to remap a PSX pad button to a vJoy button, the output happens on the vJoy stick, and if the game is only paying attention to the PSX pad, then you will not have much luck.
Try this:
Unplug the PSX pad, then start the game, then plug the PSX pad back in, then start UCR.

If the PSX pad does not exist when the game starts, then it hopefully will only see the vJoy stick and take input from that.
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

09 May 2016, 12:09

Thanks a lot for your help.
So I tried UJR in admin and it doesn't help.
Next I tried UCR in admin mode and:
- buttons mapped on a virtual stick do not work
- buttons mapper on the keyboard do work

From there it seems I can play, thanks a lot for that. Any idea why the virtual stick button are ignored?
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

09 May 2016, 12:50

Does DS3 recognize input from the PS2 stick?
If so, it will most likely ignore all input coming from the vJoy stick (Which is where UCR / UJR output to).

As I said, unplug the PS2 pad, start the game, then tab out of the game, plug in the PS2 pad and start UCR / UJR.

By doing this, when the game starts, it only has one stick to choose from (the vJoy stick), so it should recognize input from that.
Then you plug in the PS2 pad so that UCR can read from it - when you tab back into the game, it hopefully will not notice that a new stick has been plugged in and should keep reading input from the vJoy stick.

Then just use UCR / UJR to remap all the axes / buttons from the PS2 pad to the vJoy stick and it should work.
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

09 May 2016, 14:07

DS3 does not recognize my PS2 pad without UCR/UJR.
The pad appears as an HID device and not as a game controller.

Will try your trick right now.
BTW is it possible to map a button to an arrow key?
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

09 May 2016, 14:39

"The pad appears as an HID device and not as a game controller"
If you do Start->Joy.cpl, does it appear in the windows "Game Controllers" dialog?
I guess it must, as UJR/UCR only work with these kinds of controllers ("DirectInput" controllers - "normal" joysticks).

The other kind is "XInput" (XBox controllers).
Some games (esp console ports) only work with XInput. However, seeing as DS3 recognizes input from vJoy (Which is DirectInput) then clearly DS3 can recognize DirectInput controllers and is not XInput only.
XBox controllers also have a "DirectInput mode" where they will also work as a regular stick, but in this mode, the two triggers are merged into one axis and you cannot read them independently.

DS3 may well not be recognizing the PS2 pad because it does not have enough axes (no triggers). You could theory-test this by using the vJoy config utility to change the vJoy stick to only have 4 axes.

Some games will also only recognize input from controller #1, and windows does not make it easy to know what number each controller is. To find this out, google for "PJP JoyIDs" - that app will let you view and set controller IDs.
When vJoy installs, it tries to grab ID 1, so if you had vJoy installed before you tried the PS2 pad, then maybe the reason DS3 was not seeing it was because it was not controller #1.

I have a similar pad (A Speedlink PS2 style controller) and my mate has DS3, so I can maybe test at some point, but I do not stay at home during the week, so it would be this weekend at the earliest that I could test.

RE: Arrow keys
Arrow keys are currently unbindable in UCR.
Last weekend, I figured out a way to fix that, I will hopefully release a fix for it sometime this week, but again, maybe not until the weekend.
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

09 May 2016, 14:47

Regarding the arrow key issue, what you could do in the meantime is use UCR to remap the desired buttons to some other keys, then use an AHK script to remap those keys to the arrow keys.

eg use UCR to remap your buttons to IJKL, then run this AHK script to remap IJKL to the arrow keys:

Code: Select all

#singleinstance force
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

09 May 2016, 15:30

I guess it must, as UJR/UCR only work with these kinds of controllers ("DirectInput" controllers - "normal" joysticks).
Well UJR/UCR do work with my pad although it does not appear in joy.cpl
As I said it is recognized as an HID device and not as a game controller. (at least under win10, I remember a while ago with winXP the driver would flag it as a regular game controller)
change the vJoy stick to only have 4 axes.
vjoy is already configured like this:

Will try to remap gamepad to port1 and report back
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

09 Jun 2016, 02:07

Hi, and thanks for these great remapping utilities (UJR / UCR). Been using UJR a while to remap pedals to a rudder control.

But I discovered a bug just now, since I decided to change some controller settings. I'm not sure if it's with UJR/UCR, or vJoy though, just thought I'd mention this here anyway.

Here is the thing: On virtual joystick 1, I just can't merge to any other axis than virtual axis 1 (X), and have it still be continuous. They then become digital, for merging it is 0%, 50% (sometimes) and 100%. Not too usable. This happened to every other axis, sliders etc, except axis 1(X), which works (and which I've used for some time now via UJR). One thing to note is that the sliders in UJR (and UCR) are still continuous, but the vJoy axis (as monitored from game controllers or the vJoy monitor) is not. So maybe the fault is with vJoy?

I just discovered UCR btw, and that enabled to also use another virtual joystick as output at the same time (And wow, what a brilliant program btw!).

Basically, I have a G27 that I want to use like this with a game (Elite Dangerous):
1. Use G27 clutch and accelerator pedal for rudder control (ship control)
2. Use G27 brake and accelerator pedals as SRV throttle (forwards/backwards control for the SRV surface buggy).
3. Increase sensitivity for the G27 wheel, so I don't have to turn it so much (using it for the SRV)

I could not solve problem 1 and 2 above with UJR or UCR alone, but as G27 have a built-in combined axis for brake and accelerator (axis "U"), I use that and then UJR/UCR for combining the other two. This works well.

However, remapping the steering wheel didn't work too well, pedals (or other axis inputs?) seems to interfere and make the axis "flicker" a bit. The same happens if I add another virtual joystick and remap or merge axis to that one as well. However, on subsequent vJoys, I could actually merge to any vJoy axis, and they still worked continuously (as one would expect). Except for the flickering issue.
(Reason for mapping the wheel was to increase the sensitivity, Logitech Profiler doesn't seem to work, even when setting persistent profile, nor does game controller settings for G27 in windows work atm, sigh.. .900 deg rotation it is).

Using windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit. I used UJR v6.6 with vJoy 2.05 until now, and updated it to the one last updated vJoy of 2016-02-03 (https://sourceforge.net/projects/vjoystick/). I also updated UJR to v6.10, same results. Then I discovered UCR 0.013, which I use now.

(Hope this explanation isn't too messy...)
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

09 Jun 2016, 06:55

Am not too sure what you are saying but I do not really have the time right now to digest, and I will not have time (Or the needed kit available) until the weekend to be able to work on the problem.

I do have a G27 and E:D though (Although I don't have horizons - I need that for the buggy right?), so I would imagine I have a fair chance of being able to reproduce your problem.

If you could post the contents of your UCR.INI file and what ID each of your sticks is, then I could probably reproduce the issue a bunch easier.
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

09 Jun 2016, 13:49

FYI - UJR is no longer maintained, I am putting all my effort into UCR.

Let's first look at the merging issue - I can test that with the hardware I have on hand.

Are you saying that the merging issue happens in UCR and UJR, or does it only happen in UJR?

Merging to other axes than X in UCR seems to work fine for me:
In the above recording, I use a joypad's thumbsticks to simulate pedals being merged. They naturally sit in the middle, but I push them both together to simulate pedals which rest at one end of the scale.
The right stick (Input 2) on this cheapo joypad is twitchy, so any flickering you see is because of that.

Are you maybe just using merge wrong? It is a bit confusing, especially in UJR.
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

09 Jun 2016, 14:03

Nice! Thanks for answering. No worries about not having the time right now.

Yes, you'd need Horizons for the SRV buggy (But you can spot the issues with "vJoy Monitor" or Game Controllers in Control Panel).

I feared my explanation might be a bit messy. It's two issues basically:
1 - Axis merges on virtual joystick 1 doesn't work, except for its axis 1 (X), which works great. Subsequent axis seems digital (full on-off, sometimes 50%?)
2 - Axis merges on subsequent virtual joysticks seems to work on all virtual axis, but flicker (depending on other remapped physical axis input?)

Btw, I don't see any flicker in Game Controllers for the G27 pedals.

Controller ID gets shuffled about a bit when adding/removing virtual joysticks. Here's the current controller ID's according to Joystick ID# swapper:
Id#1 - empty line
Id#2 - Throttle - HOTAS Warthog
Id#3 - Joystick - HOTAS Warthog
Id#4 - vJoy Device
Id#5 - empty line
Id#6 - Logitech G27

And here is the UCR.ini using only one virtual controller. This doesn't show any flickering issue (of subsequent vJoys), but it shows the on-off nature of the subsequent merge and remapping of the wheel (at least it does for me).
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

09 Jun 2016, 14:08

Didn's see your answer while editing my last post :)

The merging issue happens with both UJR and UCR. Yes they seem to work in UJR / UCR for me also, but monitoring vJoy shows it's not (Except on axis 1, for the first vJoy).

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