Offer a text based on what I'm typing

Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1.1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys
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Offer a text based on what I'm typing

12 Nov 2018, 08:10

I have a lot of hotkeys and I am forgetting them.
Would like to know if someone uses a script/tool/approach that's whispering possible hotkeys to quickly autocomplete while typing.
Or if you have some recommendations please share.
Thank you
Last edited by Terka on 12 Nov 2018, 08:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Offer a text based on what I'm typing

12 Nov 2018, 08:17

What do you mean by 'whisper'? What do you use your hotkeys for? You might want to post your code, makes things way easier. ;)
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Re: Offer a text based on what I'm typing

12 Nov 2018, 08:27

whisper=autocomplete. Thank you, edited my first post to be better understandable.
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Re: Offer a text based on what I'm typing

12 Nov 2018, 08:37

Until you elaborate further, I'd say you'll want to use Hotstrings. Not sure how you want to use autocompletion to remind you of hotkeys though.
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Re: Offer a text based on what I'm typing

12 Nov 2018, 09:02

Yes speaking about both hotkeys, and mostly Hotstings. Speaking about if someone was solving such problem - how to remind what hotstrings to use...
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Re: Offer a text based on what I'm typing

12 Nov 2018, 09:11

Something like this?

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, force 

:*:lol::laughing out loud

:*:laughing out loud::
	SplashTextOn, , 25, Title, You have a hotstring for this. 
	Sleep, 1000
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Re: Offer a text based on what I'm typing

12 Nov 2018, 09:19

I'm not using anything to remind me of hotkey/-strings, hence my trouble understanding your problem. :D
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Re: Offer a text based on what I'm typing

13 Nov 2018, 03:16

Very funny. Anyone else please?
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Re: Offer a text based on what I'm typing

13 Nov 2018, 04:10

I wasn't trying to be funny or sarcastic even, but unless you post some examples of what you're trying to do or your code I seriously am at a loss.
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Re: Offer a text based on what I'm typing

13 Nov 2018, 12:57

Checkout TypingAid, AutoComplete and *cough Lintalist* see links @
and Hotkey Help - Display Active AHK Hotkeys and Hotstrings @
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Re: Offer a text based on what I'm typing

21 Nov 2018, 04:26

I found this but not tested by myself. proably works great: ... otstrings/

I would simply write result in a text file. for example called. _global.ahk and use it in
Terka wrote:
12 Nov 2018, 08:10
I have a lot of hotkeys and I am forgetting them.
Would like to know if someone uses a script/tool/approach that's whispering possible hotkeys to quickly autocomplete while typing.
Or if you have some recommendations please share.
Thank you
Posts: 157
Joined: 05 Nov 2015, 04:59

Re: Offer a text based on what I'm typing

21 Nov 2018, 10:20

Hi SL5 may I call you regarding your g_IntelliSense? Its faster than writing. Or we can use skype.
I'm from Czech republic, speak English
Thank you
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Re: Offer a text based on what I'm typing

21 Nov 2018, 11:53

Terka wrote:
21 Nov 2018, 10:20
Hi SL5 may I call you regarding your g_IntelliSense? Its faster than writing. Or we can use skype.
I'm from Czech republic, speak English
Thank you
of course, but I prefer using telegram or google hangout or riot.
we make the further communication via private messages? I'm writing you one now I think that's not of public interest.
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Re: Offer a text based on what I'm typing

21 Nov 2018, 16:49

Code: Select all

/* _         _          ___                      _      _       
  /_\  _   _| |_ ___   / __\___  _ __ ___  _ __ | | ___| |_ ___ 
 //_\\| | | | __/ _ \ / /  / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ __/ _ \
/  _  \ |_| | || (_) / /__| (_) | | | | | | |_) | |  __/ ||  __/
\_/ \_/\__,_|\__\___/\____/\___/|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\___|\__\___|
      v1.0    Coded by errorseven 1/23/17 |_| 
        Proof of Concept showing Incremental Algorithm 
      that most word processors use for AutoComplete feature.
    - Automatically Retrieves list via WinHTTP (Requires Internet)
    - Press Ctrl + F1
    - Type command
    - Press Enter for Autocompletion

displayValues := []
x := []

whr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
whr.Open("GET", "", true)
webpage := whr.ResponseText

document := ComObjCreate("HTMLfile"), document.Write( webpage )

Loop % document.GetElementsByTagname("A").length 
    x.push(document.GetElementsByTagname("A")[ A_Index-1 ].InnerText)

    CommandOn := True
    Keys := ""
    Loop {
        Input, Key, L1 C V, {Enter}
        If (InStr(ErrorLevel, "EndKey")) {
            Value := displayValues[1]  
            SendInput % "{Backspace " StrLen(Keys) + 1 "}" Value "{" StrSplit(ErrorLevel, "EndKey:").1 "}"
            CommandOn := False
        else {
            displayValues := []
            keys .= Key        
            Gosub, Display        

    keys := SubStr(keys, 1, -1)
    sendInput, {BackSpace}
    If (CommandOn)
        GoSub, Display

    Len := StrLen(keys)
    For e, v in x {
        If (keys == SubStr(v, 1, Len))
    r := ""
    For, e, v in displayValues
        r .= v "`n"
    ToolTip, %r%, % A_CaretX, % A_CaretY+15         
You can use this for any list of words / commands.

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